Mitigation and Prevention - RANSOMWARE Attack

  • Performing urgent and regular online and offline secure backing up of files
  • Keeping systems and applications updated
  • Implementing and utilizing an anti-virus software solution
  • Securing email gateways to thwart threats via emails containing malicious       attachments
  • Advise all members of the organisation against opening suspicious emails and  clicking on links in unrecognised emails and attachments
  •  Advising all members of the organisation to utilise two factor authentication to access the systems of their network (2FA) and utilise strong and secure passwords.
  • Performing regular daily scans of all systems to detect intrusions and the addition of new user accounts to systems’
  • Scanning systems for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers including Remote Desktop Protocols (RDP) and patching them.
  • Securing system administrations tools that attackers could abuse for infiltration into the system
  • Implementing network segmentation and data categorization to minimize further exposure of mission-critical and sensitive data
  • Disabling third-party or outdated components that could be used as entry points.