Ernakulam Railway P S Police Station
Ernakulam Railway Police Station falls under the Railways, Thiruvananthapuram Police District, Ernakulam Railway Sub Division and Ernakulam Railway Circle. The station was opened on 1978 as per GO (RT). 1308/78/Home Dt. 28.06.78, and was working at Cochin Harbor Terminus Railway station. As per the above GO, the station is first shifted to the upstairs of Railway officer’s guest house at Ernakulam South Railway Station on 16.09.87 and then shifted to the present building (Bldg No.80/ERS) on 24.11.89. The Station is functioning in building No.36/1093 of Kochi Corporation and Survey No.2486 of Ernakulam village, Karithala Desom.