karuvatta bank robbery accused arrested

Haripad Police Station Crime No. 1084/2020 case was registered on 03.09.2020 on the strength of statement of the President of Co-operative Bank No.2145 of Karuvatta as gold ornaments worth 4.870 Kg and currency worth 4.5 lakh was stolen from the Bank between 27.08.2020 and 03.09.2020.
Being a clue less case-no CCTV footages,witnesses finger prints- it was big challenge accepted by the police. The special team constituted in this regard and the additional manpower later inducted (as per list attached) worked days on end, 24X7 and detected the case. The team checked 60 MO criminals,CDRs of 130, 500 phones verified as per tower dump and 110 witnesses and arrested the accused taking much risk. The gold recovered in this case as ornaments and in solid bars is the highest quantity ever recovered by Kerala police,in any case which is about 3.670 Kg.