NDPS act case - Kunnathunadu Police arrested the accused and seized 109 LSD.

Kunnathunadu Police arrested a 24 year old man named Unnimon @Kailas, S/o Ramachandran , Kudililparambil House, Monapilly, Uzhavoor village, Kottayam District on 18.11.207 for drug peddling and seized 109 pieces of foreign made drug called LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide). Preliminary investigations have revealed that the accused has been peddling the contraband to regular party goers in Kochi. The accused was an engineering graduate and used to conduct DJ parties in Kochi. He used to procure the synthetic drug from Goa and later started smuggling it from Mangalore when enforcement strengthened. The accused was produced before court and remanded.