The accused persons committed theft of a Classic Bullet motor cycle

Case in brief is that on 16.05.17 the accused persons committed theft of a Classic Bullet motor cycle bearing Reg. No. KL-07-CF-9082 W/Rs. 1,46,000/- owned by the complainant which was parked in front of Federal bank Thuravoor. Accused were arrested. Case is UI. During the investigation, the confesseion of the accused persons the following cases were registered and transferred. 1.Kuthiathode PS Cr. 556/17 U/s 379 IPC Tr to Alpy North PS, 2.Kuthiathode PS Cr. 560/17 U/s 379 IPC Tr to Alpy South PS 3. Kuthiathode PS Cr. 561/17 U/s 379 IPC Tr to Chavara PS, Kollam