Investighation Crime 1048/2019

Due to the enmity towards the deceased minor girl Meera aged 16 that she hindered the illicit relationship between the first accused and second accused who is the mother of the deceased girl and the daughter of the defacto complainant, the accused together with a common and deliberate intention to kill her, strangled her using a shawl to death on 10.06.19 at a rented house at Thekkumkara, Karippoor. Then the accused caused the evidences to disappear by bringing the dead body to the house of the first accused at Karanthala in a motor cycle by seating the body in between them and tied two hollow bricks in the abdomen and leg of the body and put the body into and unusable well near the house of first accused and thereby the accused committed the offence and caused the evidences to disappear.