Nedumudy Police Station

This Police station was established on 30.10.1980 at near Kottaram Bhagavathi temple in a leased building vide GO No 2322/80 dtd:30.10.1980 named as "Champakulam P S". On 28.02.1986 Champakulam P S renamed as Nedumudy PS ( GO.No716/86 Home dtd: 28.02.1986). Nedumudy P S buliding is newly constructed on 16.02.2010 in Kiankary south village survey no-301/1 in Nedumudy P/W -IV Building no -188 as per vide order no.GO (Rt)-29/10 home dtd: 04.01.2010. Nedumudy P S is Situated besides the Alappuzha - Changanassery road near Nedumudy Bridge and in the banks of Pampa River.