Ambalapuzha Police Station

The Exact date of opening of the Police Station is not available. It is un authorisly reported in Malayalam Era as -1100 .The Area of Police Station 64.76 Sq.Kms in block No.14,Rsy.No.89/02 in Ambalappuzha South Panchayath. The New Police Station building was inaugurated on 08.02.2004. The jurisdiction of this police station comprises of 4 Villages namely Purakkad, Ambalapuzha, Karumady and part of Thakazhy villages. The northern side of the police station is the jurisdiction of Punnapra Ps, Southern side is Harippad PS and Thrikkunnapuzha PS, Eastern side is Edathua, Nedumudy and Harippad P.S and Western side is The Arabian Sea. New building Ambalapuzha Police Station is occupied in 86 Cents in Survey No.23/1. Ambalapuzha Police Station Quarters cover an area of 1 Acre 52 Cents in Survey No.22/5.