1.On 04.08.2014, the police personnel of Azheekode Coastal Police Station, rescued the life of 2 fishermen, when their carrier boat capsized in the sea. It is further reported that the above fishermen where admitted in the hospital with the help of police personnel. Hence the rescue operation done by the police personnel Sri. P.O.Varghese, SI, Sri.Ushageethan K.A, Gr.SI 3597, Sri. N.A.Mahinkutty, Gr.ASI 3950, Sri.B.R.Pradeep, ASI 3876, Sri.E.S.Jijo SCPO 4023, Sri.C.C.Basanth, Gr.SCPO 5057, Sri.V.M.Sunil Kumar, CPO 5992 shows their dedication and commitment to duty.
2.On 01.10.2014, 12 fishing boats were floating in water towards sea. The police personnel Sri.UshageethanK.A, Gr.SI 3597, Sri. N.A.Mahinkutty, Gr.ASI 3950, , Sri.C.C.Basanth, Gr.SCPO 5057, Sri.P.Mathew SCPO 4043, Sri. T.K.Jaison, Gr. SCPO 5088, Sri.K.P.Sumesh, CPO 6085, Sri.T. Sunil kumar, CPO 6192, Sri. Mohammed Shafeeq AR SCPO 6253 of Azheekode Coastal Police Station reached there at the right time and rescued all the vessels.
3. fishing boat from kanayakumari, in the time of OKHI-2017 rescued from rough Arabian sea, 11 fishermen rescued and hospitalized by police men in COASTAL PS Azheekode.
4. In 2018 Flood time, The officers in CSPS azheekode were deployed at aluva,Ernakulam rural were they rescued 4000 more persons and also the first fishing boat used for rescue operations from Azheekode CSPS.