Kadinamkulam Police Station

Under Clause (s) of section 2 and in modification of the notifications issued under G O (Rt) 355/73 Home dated the 5th March 1973 in so far as it relates to the area of jurisdiction of Chirayinkil Police Station, and under G O (Rt) 931/69/Home dated the 3rd Junde 69 in so far as it relates to the area of Jurisdiction of mangalapuram Police Station and Under G O (Rt) 2069/75/ Home dated the 16th October, 1975 and No. 43 dated the 4th November 1975 in so far as it relates to the area of Jurisdiction of Kazhkuttam Police Station the Government of Kerala .The Station was inaugurates on 10.02.1980 in a private building No. KP/IV/378 situated in survey no. 39.A of Kadinamkulam Village.Police Station shifted to newly constructed Government Building no. KP/IV/652 situated in survey No. 742 of Kadinamkulam Villag on 03.03.1982 of 24 cents.The newly building was inaugurated by Shri. Oommen Chandy Minister for Home in a function presents over by Shri. M.M. Hassan MLA. On the west side ofKadinamkulam Police Station Maryanadu Beach ,east Kadinamkulam Kayal ,North Muthalapozhy Harbour,South Parvathy Puthanar are located.(Photo attached Seperately)