Kannapuram Police Station

Kannapuram Police Station sanctioned as per GO(U) No 902/72 Home dated 19.06.1972, Opening date 11.07.1972 at 10 00 hrs, Opening by Dr.O Anthony, Medical Mission Cherukunnu, present station was shifted on 1.10.1973 in a rented building KP W IV 719, present station was shifted on 22.12.1989 in a Govt building which was inagurated by the Inspector General of Police Sri. Raja Gopalan Nair,Ther are 24 Temples ,23 Mosques, and 3 Churches are situated this station limits, There is a Mission Hospital namely St. Martin De Poress Hospital at Cherukunnu, and Govt Boys HS , Govt Girls HS Cherukunnu, Govt Commercial Institute, Govt LP School Cherukunnu, Govt Welfare HS Mundaparam, Cherukunnu LP School, Govt HS Kalliassery, Govt Poly Kalliasery, LP School Kalliassery, Kannur University , and Kannapuram Rly Station situated station limits