KODENCHERY Police Station

Postal Address

PIN- 673580

Phone Number

Mobile: 9497980780
Landline: 495 2236236
VPN #: 15226

Email address

KODENCHERY Police Station : Contact details of officers

Name Rank Designation Mobile
PRAVEEN KUMAR .K.P Inspector Of Police Station House Officer 9497947244
ABDU M Sub Inspector Of Police Sub Inspector Law&Order 9497980780
PADMANABHAN Assistant Sub Inspector of Police
Saju.c.c Senior Civil Police Officer 9497975697
Rajeev.c Senior Civil Police Officer 9497924416
Saleem muttath Senior Civil Police Officer Public Relations Officer 9497924292
Benny.c.j Senior Civil Police Officer 9497924305
Padmanabhan.v Senior Civil Police Officer 9497935056
Ajith.k.k Civil Police Officer 9497924995
Raju.n.k Civil Police Officer 9497935068
Shihab n Woman Civil Police Officer
Justin jose Civil Police Officer 9497924472
Dinoy mathew Civil Police Officer 9497924369
SREELESH Civil Police Officer Assistant Station Writer
Shanil kumar.c.k Civil Police Officer 9497924664
Jessy mathew Civil Police Officer 9497924957
sumesh.a.g Civil Police Officer 9497924705
Anas n p Civil Police Officer
Vinod kumar.c.g Civil Police Officer 9497924670
Kasim Civil Police Officer 9497924417
Shihas.k.p Civil Police Officer Station Writer 9497924419
Mujeeb rahman a.k. Civil Police Officer 9497924039
Subhash Civil Police Officer 9497923631
Noor muhammed Civil Police Officer
Sunil kumar n s Civil Police Officer
Sujesh.t.k Civil Police Officer 9497924730
Rafeeque.p.p Civil Police Officer 9497963705
Valsala K Part Time Sweeper

Location of KODENCHERY Police Station