Kolavallur Police Station

Kolavallur Police Station strated functioning since 02.11.1959 as per GO(MS)No.665/Home(A)/59.The Station was degraded as OP and attached to Panur Station as pers GO(MS)No.400/Home dated 29.07.1962.the OP was agains ubgaded as Police Station on 15.04.1964 as per GO(MS)No.78/Home Dated 19.02.1964.The Station was shifted to a present building KP VI/I of Kunnothuparmaba Grama Panchayath on 26.03.1988 under Kuthuparmaba Circle as per GO.No.382/Home dated 28.01.1988.The Station comes under the control of Panur Circle on 27.01.2002 from Kuthuparamba Circle. Govt quarters arer available at Kolavallur Police Station. On 03.03 2019 the post of of SHO is upgraded as Inspector SHO vide DGO 344/2019 dated 03.03.2019