Kollam Vanitha Police Station

Postal Address

The Station House Officer, Kollam Vanitha Police Station, Kollam District, Kerala-691001
PIN- 691001

Phone Number

Mobile: 9497960632
Landline: 0474-2764579
VPN #: 00000

Email address

Kollam Vanitha Police Station : Contact details of officers

Name Rank Designation Mobile
Bisni T.S Woman Sub Inspector Of Police Station House Officer 9497960632
Rajam Woman Senior Civil Police Officer
Sudhakumari Senior Civil Police Officer 9497906277
Bedarunniza Woman Senior Civil Police Officer
Lathika Senior Civil Police Officer 9497906343
Sheeja Lukose Woman Senior Civil Police Officer
Jalaja Civil Police Officer 9497906533
Ancy Woman Civil Police Officer
Ashamol Civil Police Officer Station Writer
Rajani Civil Police Officer 9497906295
Beena. E Civil Police Officer 9497906545
Mini Civil Police Officer 9497906206
Soorya Prabha Woman Civil Police Officer
Reena Civil Police Officer 9497960857

Location of Kollam Vanitha Police Station