KOYILANDY Police Station
The exact date of opening Koyilandy Police Station is not available . It . is seen opend prior to the year 1866 . The station house officer was designated to be Circle Inspector on 23.03.1994 . By the order dtd. 23.03.1994 Koyilandy Circle was bifurcated and Balussery Circle was formed comprising Balussery and Atholi Police Station Vide . GO MS No- 105/2002 Home dtd. 06.07.2002 again Koyilandy Circle was reorganised and the post of Inspector of Police was redesignated as circle Inspector of Police . Koyilandy PS and Atholi PS were attached to the circle . The Koyilandy PS was under Thamarassery Sub division until the formation of Nadapuram sub division vide- GO- )MS) No- 306 /12 Home dtd. 04.12.2012 . By this order Koyilandy Circle was attached to Vatakara Sub Dvision . area of Koyilandy Police Station is (1) Keezhariyur - 1369.72 , Moodadi - 1644. 38 , Arikkulam Partially 2315-29 , Chengottukavu- 1363 -89, Chemanchery - 1676- 41, Viyyur- 887- 57, Panthalayani - 1274 .10 , Purakkad partially 251- 48 - Sq. KM'S.