Mancherry PS FIR No. 107/2021 U/S 13 r/w 63 of Abkari Act (Abkari Act Case)

The Mancherry Police arrested accused involved in Mancherry PS FIR No. 107/2021 U/S 13 r/w 63 of Abkari Act (Abkari Act Case)

Brief of the Work

The Mancherry Police detected and arrested accused involved in Mancherry PS FIR No. 107/2021 U/S 13 r/w 63 of Abkari Act (Abkari Act Case). The case was reported from Manjeri on 16/03/2021.

Details of Accused:

(#) Prasad, S/O Krishnan, Valluvakundil Veedu, Valamangalam,

In this case Police seized 6 Litter of Indian Made Foreign Liquor