Mancherry PS FIR No. 72/2021 U/S 27(b) of NDPS Act (NDPS Act Case)
The Mancherry Police arrested accused involved in Mancherry PS FIR No. 72/2021 U/S 27(b) of NDPS Act (NDPS Act Case)
Brief of the Work
The Mancherry Police detected and arrested accused involved in Mancherry PS FIR No. 72/2021 U/S 27(b) of NDPS Act (Produces / Manufactures / Possesses / Sells / Purchases / Transports of Narcotic Drugs Case). The case was reported from Old Bus Stand Manjeri on 16/02/2021.
Details of Accused:
(#) Hameed, S/O Muhammad, Athimannil.H Chandakkunnu Manjeri