Pallickathodu Police Station

Pallicathodu Police Station was started functioning in a temporary building on 10.05.1979 as per GO(Rt) 966/79/Home dated 10.05.1979. Later this Police Station building was shifted to a building in Pallickathdou Town as per GO(Rt)2702/1998/Home dated 29.05.1998. As per GO(Rt)-190/2001/Home dated 16.01.2001 the police station was re shifted to Panchayat Samskarika Nilayam, Market Bbhagam, Pallickathodu from 2001 onwards. New building of Pallickathodu P.S. was constructed in 2015 and functioning on 28.02.2016 as per GO (Rt) No. 1616/2016.