Thalayolaparambu Police Station

Thalayolapparambu is a quite place situated in the bank of River Moovattupuzha. It consist of 4 Villages, 8 Karas with 85000 population.Up to 2010 a Police Out Post maintained the Law and Order situations in Thalayolapparambu. After that as per G.O.(Ms.) No.7/2010/Home dtd. 08.01.2010, Government of Kerala have accorded sanction for a new Police Station known as Thalayolapparambu Police Station for Thalayolapparambu bifurcating the areas of jurisdiction of Vaikom Police Station and Velloor Police Station comprising the area of Vadayar Village, part of Kulashekharamangalam Village wiz Maravanthuruthu Edavattom, Vadakkumbhagom, Kadookkara, Thalayolapparambu, Kizhakkekkara, Vadakkumbhagom, Midayikkunnam, Adiyam, Pothy, Brahmamangalam Thuruthumma, Enadi, and part of Velloor Village viz, Thonnalloor, Varikkamkunnu, Vadakara and part of Chempu Village namely Brahmamangalam, Thuruthumma,and Enadi. A consequential re definition of the areas of Vaikom Police Station and re definition of Police Station Circle so that the present post of Station House Officer as Circle Inspector at Vaikom Police Station should converted to Sub Inspector as SHO at Vaikom Police Station and Vaikom Police Circle should comprise of Vaikom Police Station and Thalayolapparambu Police Station. Thalayolapparambu Police Station started its functioning on 06.04.2010 in a rental building near Thalappara Junction and shifted to the owned building near Thalayolapparambu bus stand on 13.12.2011, the Police Station inaugurated by Sri.Oomen Chandy, Hon.Chief Minister of Kerala.The Police Station situated in the northern side of the Vaikom- Kottayam Road opposite to the private bus stand, Thalayolapparambu.