Vaikom Police Station

The Police station Vaikom was established in 1812 by Divan Mantro during the reign of her Highness Rani Gowri Lakshmi Bhai. At that time 5 Police Stations in all were established at Padmanabhapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, Mavelikkara, Vaikom and Aluva in Travencore. Ettumanoor, Vaikom, Kottayam etc places were included in the limits of Vaikom Police Station. These Police Stations were established according to Sec. 4 & 5 of the ‘Chattavariyola’ of 987 ME which consisted of 34 sections. Police was known as ‘Daroja’ at that time . There were ‘Sipoys’ and ‘Tanas’ under ‘Darja’. Tanas were the authority of Jail. The Court, Police Station and Jail were functioned as a single unit. As per sec. 17 the function of Daroja was to submit report against the offenders before the Court. The Court would give copy of its order to Daroja under section 21. Notice from the Court were served by the Tanas under Sec. 23. This information can be have from the translation of “A History of Travencore from the earliest times” of P. Sankunny Menon by Sri. C. K Karim. During the year 1902 construction of a new Police station building completed and Vaikom Police station was started functioning there. Number of famous leaders during the period were arrested and lockup them at this police station in connection with Vaikom Sathyagraha agitation. One Out Post at Vadayar and another one at Brahmamangalam and Vechoor, are started functioning during the period. As per GO Rt No. 4638/91 /Home Dt. 25.09.91 (SRO No. 1227/91) Viakom Police station Building is shifted to the newly constructed building on 23.06.1992 and is now functioning. Circle Inspector of Police is the Station House officer of Vaikom Police station from 04.06.1994 Vide Order No DGO 430/94 Dt 04.06.94(A1-53116/94K). After the formation of Thalayolparambu Police station Vaikom Circle is formed and SI of Police is the SHO of Vaikom Police station from 06.04.2010 onwards Vide order no. GO(Rt) No. 1194/2010/Home Dt. 03.04.2010. The jurisdiction of Vaikom Police station extends to 110.93 Sq. Kms and spread over the areas furnished below.