Vizhinjam Police Station

Vizhinjam Police Station is situated 20 KM away from Thiruvananthapuram city and 200 Meter near to Arabian Sea. It was opened on 29.09.1969. Now it is included in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation. Vizhinjam Internation Seas Port is also included in Vizhinjam PS Limit Vizhinjam Police station was opened on 29.09.1961. In a government building comprised in survey No. 197 of Vizhinjam Panchayat. (Now Thiruvananthapuram corporation) The station compound has an area of 1 acre and 74 cents in land. An area of 46.507 cents of land was transferred to PWD in connection with the proposed construction approach road to vizhinjam bridge vide Order No. GO (Rt) 179/2000 Revenue, Thiruvananthapuram, dated 22.06.2000 of the Government of Kerala. In the above 46.507 cents of land Police Quarters No. 1, 5, 9, 11, 10, 13, and 14 are situated and hence these quarters were demolished for the construction of the approach road.