Beypore Police Station

Beypore Police Station opened on 18-05-1990 AN as per GO(Rt) No.3161/90 Home dtd 05-05-90. Firstly the building functioned in the Building No. 467, 468, 469 in Ward One of Beypore Punchayath. Later in 1999 the station shifted to Building No 01/418 of Beypore Punchayath on lease from Port Department vide GO(Rt) No. 5534/98/Home dtd 24/12/1998. The station is still functioning in the leased building. Beypore Police Station is situated about 13 km south from Kozhikode city. Station limit is highly populated and seashore area.National Institute for Research and Development in Defence Shipbuilding(NIRDESH) is India's first centre for research and development in defence shipbuilding that is being established at Chaliyam near Beypore. Beypore carries with it a shipbuilding tradition that dates back to about 1500 years. Uru, the traditional ships constructed here, were known for their quality and longevity, and were much in demand by merchants of the Middle East. Apart from urus, boats, huge vessels called Pathemari were also constructed in the yards here.