Chemmangad Police Station

Chemmangad Police Station is very close to Kozhikode city. Chemmangad Police Station started functioning since 12.09.1973 in a rented building at Kundungal. From 17.12.1988 onwards it shifted to a new building situated in 24 cent land based near Vattampoyil Railway Gate. Population almost 100% is Muslims. Due to the long stretching shoreline of Arabian sea&Kallai river bank the main livelihood is fishery and wood industry. About 14 Residential Associations are functioning within its limits. Community Policing Programme called JanamythriSurakshaProject was implemented in Chemmangad PS in its first phase. KadaloraJagratha Samithi is also functioning in Chemmangad PS to monitor activities across fishing ground and to report any suspicious activity.