Kuthuparamba Police Station

Kuthuparamba Policce Station was opened in the year 1871 as per GO No.391 Date 20.03.1871. and was originally situated in Kottayam old Bazar in the year 1871in a private building on a rent of Rs 5/-. In 1879 the police Station was shifted to a Govt Building attached to the Munsif Court,Kuthuparamba .In the year 1984 a Pakka Building was constructed for the purpose of sub Magistrate Court and Police Station. This arrangement still continues and the Sub Magistrate Court ,Police Station and the sub Jail was functioning in one and same building. Old Police Station was situated near by the Thalassery Koorg Main Road at 8/6 Miles stone.Present police station is functioning in new Govt. building from 15.12.09 in ward No. XVII/685(A) of Kuthuparamba Municipality .Police Station is located in RS 17/1A/A2A –(75 Cent) at Kuthuparamba amsam Kuthuparamba. The police station limit is covering the area of 72.68 sq.km, covering 5 villages viz. Kuthuparamba, Paduvilayi, Pathiriyad, Kandamkunnu and Mangattidom,(2 Panchayath viz.Mangattidam,Vengad and 1 Muncipality Viz. Kuthuparamba). The station limit is politically and communally sensitive. The station limits includes Kuthuparamba Muncipality, Vengad Grama Panchayath and Mangattidom Grama panchayath. Janamythri Suraksha Project is implemented in entire Kuthuparamba Police Station Limits.In Kuthuparamba Police Station 8 hour duty system was introduced from 03.05.09,Janamaithri Suraksha Project Implimented on 18.02.11-