Jurisdiction of Palluruthy Police Station

This Police station jurisdiction comprises of the entire village of the Edakochi and partly of Kumblangi, Palluruthy, Rameswaram villages. In the west it is bounded by jurisdiction of Kannamaly Police Station and in the South is bounded by Aroor Police Station of Alappuzha. In the east it is bounded by the backwaters of Kumblam and in the north it is bounded by jurisdiction of Thoppumpady Police Station. The Jurisdiction of this Police Station has been extended by including Kumbalangi Village vide GO (Rt) 2494/2000 Home dt. 26.06.2000 and as per the GO (Ms) 83/2013/Home, Dtd.26.03.2013, a Police Out Post started at Kumblanghi on 23.02.2014.