Udayamperoor Police Station

Udayamperoor is a small town situated in Ernakulam district, Kerala, in India. It is 18 km from Ernakulam, on the Ernakulam - Vaikom road. The town is famous for the festivals organized every year in the temples and churches. The Synod Church of Udayamperoor in memorial to the Diamper Synod is more than 400 years old. The Vembanad backwaters, called kaithapuzha kayal in these parts, provide a natural boundary to the geography. Udayamperoor Police Station was formed as per G.O(Rt)1760/06/Home Dt. 02.08.06 and started functioning on 28.08.06. Station inaugurated by Sri. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, Hon. Home Minister of Kerala and it situated at South Paravoor in Manakunnam Village and functioning in a rented building .The Police Station started functioning in the new station building as per GO No: Rt no:3841/2012 and inaugurated on 26.02.2013 by Sri: Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Hon'ble Home Minister of Kerala. Area of the station consists of Manakunnam Village with an extend of 10 cent. The Police Station is situated approximately 50 meters away from Vaikom Thripunithura Road – Udayamperoor Kavala .